Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click the link to go to their site to see the original list for today plus links to a whole slew of other blogs. After you read mine, of course.
Today's topic is: The top ten things that make my life as a blogger/reader easier
1. Goodreads
I was writing reviews on GR for a couple of years before starting this blog which was great practice for creating my own review site. It's also how I met a lot of my blogging friends. And it is definitely helpful for most weeks' TTT as it gives me a way to shift through the hundreds of books I've read when trying to find the perfect ones for my lists. It's also helpful when searching for books to feature for WoW posts. I have to admit I'm on GR way less now that I have this blog, but I still find it an invaluable resource.
2. The library
As most of you know, I've worked at my public library for going on 8 years now. There is no way I'd be able to read as much as I do if it weren't for the library and its awesome free-ness. My city has an amazing library system where all of the (many) branches are linked together, so you can order literally almost any book, movie, cd, audiobook you want and have it delivered directly to your library. It's awesome.
3. Other bloggers
Um, bloggers are freaking awesome. It is so fun to be a part of this community of like-minded people who quickly accept newbies into their fold. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!
4. Netgalley and Edelweiss
Is there anything in this world more awesome than these two sites? Just thinking about all the amazing books that await me on my Kindle everyday just makes me giddy happy. I love getting to read some of the most anticipated books early. It rocks in a way very few things do.
5. Bloglovin
This site makes finding out what my favorite bloggers have posted so easy. I love to scroll through recent posts.
6. Half Price Bookstore
So in a few select cities in the US there is a magical place called Half Price Books which is seriously the most amazing second-hand store ever. In my Northeastern city there are 4 (2 close enough to go fairly regularly). Every time I go in there I make a beeline right to the clearance section where books are only $1 or $2.
7. Twitter
I'm not on twitter as much as I should be because I find it kind of exhausting, but it is a great way to connect with the community and to find out what everyone's up to.
8. Audiobooks
My commute is about to get a lot longer and my life a LOT busier, so I just ordered a bunch of audiobooks from the library. I know I'm not going to be able to read nearly as much as I do now starting in one week, but at least with audiobooks I can "read" while driving.
9. Blogger
I know it's not everyone's favorite, but I like my set up and find it easy to use. Personally, I hate having to enter in my name, email address, and website - it's a lot to type - just to leave a comment and like that you don't have to do that with Blogger.
8. Audiobooks
My commute is about to get a lot longer and my life a LOT busier, so I just ordered a bunch of audiobooks from the library. I know I'm not going to be able to read nearly as much as I do now starting in one week, but at least with audiobooks I can "read" while driving.
9. Blogger
I know it's not everyone's favorite, but I like my set up and find it easy to use. Personally, I hate having to enter in my name, email address, and website - it's a lot to type - just to leave a comment and like that you don't have to do that with Blogger.
10. Kindle Fire
I was definitely one of those people who swore that I could never love an e-reader, but once I started requesting books from EW and NG it became a necessity and now I heart it so hard. I love having hundreds of choices at my fingertips and being able to read in bed in the dark. Plus I have my Netflix on my KF and all sorts of fun games. I love it. It is probably my favorite possession.
Those are the things I find helpful as a reader/blogger and I'm willing to bet most are the same ones other bloggers find helpful. What are your tools of the trade? Link me up!
lovely GFC and new followers, please follow me by Bloglovin as we all
know Google Reader has gone/is going by the wayside. (I like to follow
back, so please let me know if you're a new follower--and leave a link!)
Thank you!!!
Great list Natalie. I use Wordpress and I'm quite happy with it, for other Wordpress accounts I can just type and reply, it's a bit different with Blogger for me. Not difficult, just different I also love using Goodreads! I've also really grown to like bloglovin', it is so useful. I love my book blogging friends. The community is so welcoming.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even think about the bargain books stores! I just got 5 books from Ollie's for only $10, I was so excited. Also, I'm totally jealous that you work at a library! Great list. My TTT.
ReplyDeleteVyki @ On The Shelf
I just recently started using my library and the online requests where they get the book from whatever branch has it and I just pick it up right down the street. Love it! And I love my Kindle Fire too (although I have a regular one too to read in the sun). I love having so many books to choose from and I always have it with me so no matter what, I can read. Great list! ~Pam
ReplyDeleteI was hesitant to buy my Kindle, but now that I have I LOVE it! It's so great for blogging and traveling... and I love using it at home for all my NetGalley books! And second-hand bookstores are my absolute favorite - I swear the majority of my books have come from them! Great list!
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way about eReaders, but when I got my Kindle I fell in love with it too! Seriously, Kindles are the best!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Great List!! My library is exactly the same way. I can request just about anything and they send me an email once it has been delivered to my branch. I simply have to go pick it up. I also download a lot of eBooks from the library. With the overdrive app on my iPad and Nook it is SUPER easy.
ReplyDeleteI also use my Goodreads to help write many of my TTT posts.
Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2013/08/top-ten-tuesdaythings-that-make.html
Yay, a fellow Blogger rebel. I have no problems with Blogger and therefore have no plans to switch. :) I also am a big fan of HPB. Their flagship store in Dallas is a mile from my office, which has proven dangerous more times than I can count. And although I started out with a Nook Color, I now have a Kindle Paperwhite and Fire HD and love them to pieces.
ReplyDeleteActually, I pretty much agree with your entire list. =)
So jealous you are close to a Half Price Book store. They look cool. The used book store near my house isn't much. I usually just wait for my library to have a book sale.
ReplyDeleteAwesome list. We picked a lot of the same things. I love it when I see bloggers talk about libraries. I think a lot of people forget about them, but they are so important!!And your Number 3 made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Happy TTT!
My library is the same way. It's not one city library, but a COUNTY system with a bunch of branches for the different libraries all in the county. It's so wonderful. And if there's something that can't be found in our system there's Link+. Makes life wonderful. Haha.
ReplyDeleteI should have thought to put Half Price book stores. I don't get to my Half Price very often, but when I do it's marvelous. Last time I went I got four books for $11. Sounds good to me!
Ugh, I want a Kindle FIre. *SIGH*
Great list! I really love this topic.
Great list! I always so shocked when people who are as much as bloggers do don't use the library. I know people like owning books, but I see the library like a free trial, haha. And Bloglovin is also growing on me, I couldn't stand it at first, but the more I use it the more I "get" it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Blogger too, although it's not the best platform out there. And I love Twitter, and my public library. I'm jealous of you, I always wanted to work in a library when I was younger (still do sometimes)!
I use Goodreads for TTT and even waiting on wednesday all the time. I don't know how I'd write those posts without it! I love that you picked Netgalley and Edelweiss! They are my favorites :) Great list!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea how essential my Kindle would be either. I bought the Fire when it first came out several years ago, even though I'd previously had no interest in them. With e-ARC's, especially, an e-reader is essential.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting!
Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia
Great list! I would've never even found out about the concept of book blogging if it weren't for Goodreads. I knew people had blogs but I never realized that people have blogs dedicated to talking about books. I do wish they would update the site a bit. Nothing is more irritating than typing out a title of a book, word for word, for it not even to show up in the drop down menu on the search bar. It's super annoying and could easily be fixed...I'm assuming.
ReplyDeleteI've tried the whole audiobook thing but found it way too hard to focus on. I'd hear what the narrator was saying but it wouldn't quite register the way that reading print does. NetGalley is the best thing ever, hands down. Edelweiss could have a better layout and could be more user friendly. Plus, some of the big time publishers never even bother to respond to my request. *le sigh*
Awesome list, I completely agree with all of these! I need to start using Twitter more, as I'm really awful with social networking sites. ^^; I didn't think of adding my Kindle on to my list, silly Tiffa! Thanks for sharing your list and for stopping by my TTT post. :) I LOVE your new blog design by the way - it's gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading! :D
Tiffa @ The British Book Nerd
always success
ReplyDeleteawaited next posting steady proceed
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