Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click the link to go to their site to see the original list for today plus links to a whole slew of other blogs. After you read mine, of course.
Today's topic is: the words that make me not want to pick up a book
So, this is really hard. There really aren't that many words that will make me not pick up a book. There are certainly topics I tend to shy away from, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Keeping in line with words that make me NOT want to pick up the book, I haven't read most of these (and please don't try to talk me into it).
1. Word(s): Fifty Shades. No, just no.
2. Word(s): William Faulkner. I'm sorry, but I just hate this man's writing.
3. Word(s): Biography of a teen star. Seriously?! A teenager doesn't need a biography (unless her name is Anne Frank).
4. Word: Widow. I have such a hard time reading about women getting over the death of their husband. I just don't even want to think about it.

5. Word: Zombies. There are definitely exceptions, but for the most part, I stay away from zombies. Especially when the zombie is the love interest. Seriously, ew.

6. Word(s): Cults. I just don't want to know.

7. Word: Angels. Again, I'm sure there are exceptions, but I can just never get into books about angels for some reason.

8. Word(s): Abusive/controlling boyfriends or "angsty love." How is that hot?

9. Word(s): Child Abuse. I know it happens. It makes me too sad. I turn to books for enjoyment.

10. Word(s): Death of a Pet. Again, I like books to be enjoyable. Just thinking about the death of my beloved pets brings tears to my eyes.

I think that might be it for me. I think this is the first time on a TTT post that I wasn't struggling to get my list down to 10. I'm definitely curious to see what words makes you all shy away from a book, so link me up!
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I cannot do zombies either and yeah, I refuse to ever read or watch Marley and Me. I know it'll hit me hard and I don't want to cry for days and days. lol Great list!
ReplyDeleteI hope the publishers out there are reading our lists. Yes, I agree. And agree. And agree.
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top Ten list.
I agree with everything except Angels and Zombies. I'll read those. But the rest are definitely on my no list. ~Pam
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of the biographies of a teen star as well!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT- http://angelica-2009.blogspot.com/2013/07/top-ten-tuesday-13.html
Ugh, death of a pet. Can't read those either. I usually don't read books about pets or animals in general because there is always that chance that something will happen to them. Even if it's not death, like sending them away. I cried when I watched the first air bud movie where the boy tries to yell at his dog to run away so that his old mean owner can't have air bud. and air bud just kept trying to return to the little boy he loved =(
ReplyDeleteGreat list! Yeah, death of a pet is horrible. In fiction I don't mind it so much if it makes sense for the story, but reading about other people's real experiences with their pet dying just don't do it for me. I stay away. Also, child abuse. Why go there??
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
Ha. Fifty Shades for sure. I agree with most of these...except zombies. I love me some zombies, for whatever reason. Oh, and I don't absolutely turn away from angel books...there have been a few really great ones, but mostly because they don't make the angels as these perfect love interests. Angelfall was exceptional. And I'm about to read Shadows, which I've heard is a GREAT angel story. Great list!
ReplyDeleteAGREED! Although I do sort of like Angels. I've seen a lot of people put that on their list, though. Didn't realize people disliked them so much. Probably because Halo and Hush Hush are such sucky books. :P
ReplyDeleteOh man! Death of a pet - seriously the hardest thing ever! You know, second to like child abuse and rape... but still hard! I totally steer clear from 50 Shades books and their look-alikes too! The only thing on your list that I'm actually drawn to is zombies... I LOVE a good zombie book! Great list!
ReplyDeleteGreat list. I put down zombies, but seeing your list reminded me that I would Pride and Prejudice and Zombies my exception to that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes to teen star biographies. What could they possibly have to say?!
Other than 5 & 7 I'm with you. Fifty Shades and Controlling Boyfriends... pffft!
ReplyDeleteWonderful list. :)
Erin @ YA Book Crush
I was about to write zombies as love interests, gross! But then I remembered I really liked Warm Bodies so I guess I can't get all judgmental about that. I agree with you about the large majority of these, especially the controlling boyfriend/angst thing. So unappealing, I can't wait for the popularity of those books to fade away.
ReplyDeleteI love your list! I do like zombie books though and Warm Bodies is one of my favorites. Lol. And I like some angel books, but I agree with the rest!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely a huge fan of zombies but, hey, different strokes, different folks. I have to pretty much agree with you on the rest though! I can't handle pet deaths (it turns me into a blubbering mess) or issues books. And I never really understood the appeal of angels. As for misogeny in my books --- yeah, I can do without all that. Give me a strong, independent, I-don't-need-no-man protagonist any day!
ReplyDeleteGreat list!
Books about the death of a pet destroy me!
ReplyDeleteSuperb list. I'm with you on the teen star biography, too. I know they fill shelves at school book fairs and in stores, but enough already. I can't read about child abuse either. It's awful that anyone has to go through it in real life; I sure don't want to read about it.
ReplyDeleteLove this list, though I am a fan of audiobooks if they have a good narrator. I've listened to a few where the narrator is awful and it makes it a painful experience.
I think I'm on board with almost all your dislikes. Zombies and child abuse made my TTT list, as you know. And while I didn't mention it in my list, I'm not a fan of abusive/controlling boyfriends, either.
ReplyDeleteAngels -- I didn't think to put that in, but paranormal novels featuring angels being, well, un-angelic. . . those bother me a lot. (OTOH, I really enjoyed Andrew Greeley's Angel Light.) I also dislike demons as protagonists or semi-good guys.
And the whole surge in BDSM erotica? NO, thank you.
As for nonfiction pet books, I enjoy them occasionally, but I always cry when the pet dies. And I can handle the odd book about a widow, usually if she's building/discovering a new relationship, but as a happily-married woman, it's not a subject I really want to dwell on!
Why would anyone want to read about Cults? That really freaks me out. Child abuse as well and do not get me started on obsessive relationships- those are the worst because they tend to be romanticized which makes me want to puke. Great list!
ReplyDeleteZombies are on my list this week, too. I've actually read A Child Called It (I read it for one of my education classes in college) and it was SO upsetting. And YES to abusive/controlling love interests. No, thanks.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT post :)
I HATE Fifty Shades of Grey! Totally agree wit you there! And books about controlling boyfriends they freaking piss me off! Great list!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Ally @ Book Fixation
Great post! I am not much into autobiographies either. Death of pets? Absolutely not, in fact I avoid all animal books period. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe biographies of teenage stars! yes! Who cares about the Biebs?!
ReplyDeleteMy TT
Great list! I'm pretty much on board with everything you've got there. I especially liked biography of a teen star because... they're 12. They don't really have a biography yet!
ReplyDeleteOMG. *bows down to you* THANK YOU! ANOTHER FAULKNER HATER! OMG. I was just complaining to my best friend the other day and reminding her of my hatred for Faulkner. I was forced to read The Sound and the Fury in school and GAHHHH. I actually really like zombie books. But when they're zombie hunting- no love interests. I still won't read Warm Bodies because that's just weird to me. Death of a Pet is a no-no for me also. I like angel books myself, because I'm so interested in the lore, but the Hush, Hush books did not do it for me. Great list!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by earlier!
Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros
I love your answers to this topic! I don't even want to hear anything about shades of grey. No, thank you. Too many people hopped on that bandwagon and talked me to tears about how "awesome" they were. Here again, no thanks. I don't want to read a book about that.
ReplyDeleteOmg, in high school, we dedicated TWO months to Faulkner. That was enough to never make me want to read anything by him ever again.
HA! Biographies of teenagers are SO dumb! These kids aren't old enough to have a biography. They are are going to need to be added to by the end of next year. It's crazy. LOVE your comment about Anne Frank. Perfect!
I can't read anything about abusive situations or pet deaths, either. It breaks my heart.
I agree with pretty much all of these, except I think I might want to try to buckle down and read a cult book one day, especially if it is heavy on the psychology of it. And wow, thank you for mentioning William Faulkner and reminding me how much I hated every second I spent reading Light in August in high school. Bleh.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with everything on your list! No to zombies, angels, and dead animal books. And LOL at the teen biographies...so right!
ReplyDeleteMhm...if I admit that ...maybe I read the whole entire Miles to Go thing and actually enjoyed it?? Oh well. I'll admit you can't be sure those were really her thoughts and that she had any say in the writing, but I found the book itself quite inspiring and helpful for teenagers. After all, she has "lived the dream" of so many little girls and the fact that her path is at least described as not always easy sends a good message out to those girls. I do agree, though that Obama's autobiography might´be more educational and interesting for people over the age of fourteen :D
ReplyDeleteI am the same way with the widow thing and I don't know why. I als tried Fifty Shades...at fifty pages I agree. No...just no.
ReplyDeleteI didn't actually mind Fifty Shades of Grey, no, it's not a great book, but I did enjoy it in a weird way! I agree with all the rest of yours except 5 (I LOVE me some Zombies!) and 7 (Some angel books are good imo).
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your list, I LOVE reading what other people like and dislike when it comes to reading. ^.^ Thanks also for stopping by my Top Ten Tuesday post. :3
Happy Reading! :D
Tiffa @ The British Book Nerd
"3. Word(s): Biography of a teen star."
ReplyDeleteYes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes....
Great list!I don't even want to express how much I don't like zombies.Can't understand what people like about them!Agree with everything else as well!!!Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
ReplyDeleteElena @ Book Lady's Reviews
Bahahaha, biographies of teen stars. Also, no wonder you were judgmental of that Wolf Bride book, as one should be.
ReplyDeleteAlso, zombies and cults are yes words for me.
However abusive relationships are a HUGE no, unless they're MEANT to be abusive and not sexy.
Oh I totally agree about your anti child abuse books feeling. I am so anti those too. It even make my list. That's a genre I just can't handle, but all my students at school LOVED A Child Called It. We had 6 copies and it was always checked out. I couldn't do it.