Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click the link to go to their site to see the original list for today plus links to a whole slew of other blogs. After you read mine, of course.
Today's topic is: Top 10 Best Endings (or beginnings...or a combination...but I just did endings)
Because I don't want to spoil any book endings for you this post will be mostly ramble free--I don't know if anything I post will ever be completely ramble free...
The wait a minutes...what just happened endings:

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
I know most people didn't care for this ending, but I found it perfectly fitting.
Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane
Wait, so what you're telling me is...I loved this book and couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Sad and shocking. Jodi Picoult is the M.Night Shyamalan of contemporary women's fiction.
The epic endings:

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
I doubt I really need to explain the awesomeness that is this ultimate good vs. evil ending.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
The swoons (because there are few things I like more than a swoon-y ending):

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
The French boarding school swoon.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The classic swoon.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
The spell-binding swoon.
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
The classic Dessen swoon.
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
The boy next door swoon.
Those are just a few of my favorite endings. What books made your list this week? Link me up!
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My Sister's Keeper--I read this book a few years ago, but I remember going...WHAT?? And I loved Anna and the French Kiss and My Life Next Door, it's so nice to just have a smile on your face when you close a book. Oh, and Pride and Prejudice, I read it about once a year just because it makes me so happy. Great list! ~Pam
ReplyDeleteGreat list. I totally agree with you on Shutter Island!! Such a great ending, for the film and for the book!
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, The Truth About Forever is a great swoon book. Love Sarah Dessen!
Happy TTT!
I've only read one Sarah Dessen book but I've heard that a lot of her books are really great! Then there's Anna and the French Kiss with people everywhere have been recommending.
ReplyDeleteRoxy @ Story Envy
Nice choices. I loved and hated the ending of Gone Girl, in that I wished the situation had been resolved differently, but was glad Flynn went for what she did, because it fit the whole novel and the characters so well.
ReplyDeleteMy Sister's Keeper made me cry. On an aeroplane. And I didn't even care because it was so moving.
Here's my list. I've gone for openings (mostly).
I'm halfway through Gone Girl and so far I like it. I loved Anna and the French Kiss. Great picks.
ReplyDeleteI really like the ending to The Truth About Forever, it's one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books. Love your blog, I just followed you on Bloglovin! :) My TTT list: http://aliceinreaderland.com/2013/07/29/lines/
ReplyDeleteAlice @ Alice in Readerland
I think that this list is awesome, but in all honesty I've only read a few of these. I totally agree that endings are awesome and most of my list is filled with them!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
I really really really need to read Gone Girl. I have heard such great things about it and before it gets spoiled for me I should really pick it up.
ReplyDeleteI love the Anna and HP7 endings (who didn't?!) they were definitely perfect for the books. I still have Pride and Prejudice to read (shameful, I know!) but I know the story well enough to know and love the ending. And Shutter Island has probably one of the best endings EVER. So awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy Top Ten
I really hated the epilogue of Deathly Hallows. I felt it was SO unnecessary. It still bums me out. But I agree about The Night Circus! I really loved that book, and the ending was certainly swoon-worthy, even if it wasn't the "happiest" of endings possible. :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT post :)
I'm with you - I liked the ending of Gone Girl. I also loved The Night Circus, and I still need to read Anna and the French Kiss.
ReplyDeleteStephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia
Oh Anna and the French Kiss! I loved that ending! And I still need to read My Life Next Door! I want it so much! I ended up going with the 5th Harry Potter, but then again I tweaked the topic to my most memorable endings instead of favorites. :D Great list Natalie!
ReplyDeleteJessica@Lovin' Los Libros
HP definitely has an epic ending! I also adore the swoonworthy endings for ANNA, THE NIGHT CIRCUS, and TTAF :)
ReplyDeleteFabulous top ten!
How could I forget about My Sisters Keeper?! That ending was shocking, and upsetting. Definitely unexpected.
ReplyDeleteI need to read Gone Girl & the Lord of the Rings series soon. I loved the ending for HP too. I think everyone did :)
And the swoons! Yes to Anna & The Truth About Forever! I need to get to My Life Next Door asap.
Great list! :)
How could I forget Harry Potter???!!! Ugh! So frustrated with myself! Also loved the ending of Anna and the French Kiss! Great list Natalie!!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Ally @ Book Fixation
Definitely agree with you on Anna and the French Kiss and My Life Next Door. Such perfect swoon-worthy endings! <3 :D
ReplyDeleteGreat list & thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:
So many awesome endings! I love the mentions for Anna, My Life Next Door, Truth about Forever, and, of course, HP! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of some of these books but loved the ending of Harry Potter--perfect--and the TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER. That's one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books. I'm still not a huge fan of the Harry/Ginny thing but I've gotten over it :) I still need to read ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and MY LIFE NEXT DOOR. They both sound so good!
ReplyDeleteWonderful list! Can't believe I forgot LOTR, My Life Next Door and Anna. P&P made a LOT of lists today, but I love the fact you pointed to the ending while the others I've seen chose the opening line - nicely done. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd here's a sad secret - I've never read a Sarah Dessen book! (hangs head in shame)
Erin @ YA Book Crush
Great list! I agree that Gone Girl ended just as it should have! I did hate the end of My Sister's Keeper, but I think that's another one that you either love or hate. I put HP on my list as well-- perfect! And I really like your swoony choices too!
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!! Such a fabulous list. I ADORE the endings in LOTR and Harry Potter. I just got Gone Girl from the library, so I'm on the lookout for another favorite ending!
ReplyDeleteGreat list!
Your epic endings section? Absolute perfection! :D
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree with the epic and swoony endings! I love WTF just happened endings, too, but I haven't read any of your picks in that category.
ReplyDeleteHa, I love the breakdown into swoons and wtf just happened to my brain right now. Have you read Feed by Mira Grant? BEST ENDING EVERRRRR.
ReplyDeleteUhm a big HELL YES to both LotR & HP of course ;) I'mhopinh Ican finally get into my copy of Night Circus soon! Oh and I still haven't read the Shutter Island book but I saw the film and I loved it: total WTF?! haha
ReplyDeleteMy Sister's Keep is definitely a moving ending, pretty much all of Picoult's books have that element I think (at least the ones I've read ;-) ). Oo, I'm excited about The Night Circus now, I need to get to that for my monthly reading!
ReplyDeleteI loved the Gone Girl ending. I was definitely shocked at first, but the more I thought about it the more I really thought it fit the story.