Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Waiting on Wednesday (195)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017 11:34 PM with 3 comments
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. Click the link to see the original post plus a whole slew of links to other blogs. After you read this one, of course.

In Search Of

Author: Ava Dellaira 

Publisher: Farrar Straus
Release Date: March 6, 2018


The author of the beloved Love Letters to the Dead returns with a parallel story of a mother and daughter each at age seventeen. Marilyn's tale recounts the summer she fell in love and set out on her own path. Angie's story is about her search for her unknown father.

This sweeping multi-generational love story introduces readers to mother-and-daughter pair Marilyn and Angie. To seventeen-year-old Angie, who is mixed-race, Marilyn is her hardworking, devoted white single mother. But Marilyn was once young, too. When Marilyn was seventeen, she fell in love with Angie's father, James, who was African-American. But Angie's never met him, and Marilyn has always told her he died before she was born. When Angie discovers evidence of an uncle she's never met she starts to wonder: What if her dad is still alive, too? So she sets off on a journey to find him, hitching a ride to LA from her home in New Mexico with her ex-boyfriend, Sam. Along the way, she uncovers some hard truths about herself, her mother, and what truly happened to her father.

Why I'm Excited: I really liked Love Letters to the Dead and have been waiting for this author's follow-up. I love the idea of parallel stories of a mother and daughter at the same age (I like it so much, in fact, that I'm writing something similar right now--but different enough that this doesn't make me want to break down in sobs or anything. Lol). I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for this one. 

What are you waiting for on this Wednesday? Link me up!


  1. This one does sound good and I love the cover. Great pick!

  2. ارقام صيانة مكيفات اسبليت بالرياض
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  3. This was a an utterly exquisite experience for me. This book was fraught with emotion and meaning and so many wonderful characters to love. It tugged on my heartstrings, made me weep, but it also made me smile.

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Hello, there! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every one and will do my best to respond--usually on your blog instead of on mine. I will, however, always answer direct questions. Due to serious time restraints, this blog is now an award free zone, but I appreciate the thought!