Saturday, April 27, 2013


Stacking the shelves (3)

Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:09 PM with 40 comments
[STSmall_thumb%255B2%255D%255B2%255D.png]Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tyngas Reviews, is a weekly meme where bloggers share the books they've recently added to their shelves. These books can be bought, borrowed, won, or given. It can include physical books or e-books. *To read the synopsis of any of the following books, simply click the title to connect to Goodreads. 

E-Books ARCs 

Invisibility       Reboot (Reboot, #1)       How My Summer Went Up in Flames 

Thorn Abbey       The End Games       The Heiresses

Over You        VJ: The Unplugged Adventures of MTV's First Wave      The Kings and Queens of Roam: A Novel

Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan
Reboot by Amy Tintera
How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
Thorn Abbey by Nancy Ohlin
The End Games  by T. Michael Martin
The Heiresses  by Alison Rushby
Over You by Amy Reed
VJ: The Unplugged Adventures of MTV's First Wave by Nina Blackwood, et al.
The Kings and Queens of Roam  by David Wallace

What I Bought

Sweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy, #1)      Vain (The Seven Deadly Series #1)      Kiss Me Kill Me (Scarlett Wakefield, #1)  

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
Vain by Fisher Amelie
Kiss Me Kill Me by Lauren Henderson

What I snagged from the library 

Storm (Elemental, #1)        Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions, #1)

Storm by Brigid Kemmerer 
Confessions of an Angry Girl  by Louise Rozett 

So what about you? What did you get this week that you can't wait to dive into?

*Followers and comments are welcome and much appreciated. If you leave a comment, please also leave your link so that I can come visit you. I will always try to follow those who are following me, but if I miss you, please just let me know (we're all in this together).  Happy reading!


  1. How My Summer.. sounds so good, and I adore the cover! And I hope you enjoy Angry Girl, I liked it!

  2. That is a sweet haul! :D I'm quite interested by How My Summer Went Up in Flames. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! :)

  3. I have to admit, the cover of The End Games alone makes me want to read it. Yes I'm a cover junkie.

  4. Great haul! Thanks for commenting on my haul for the week. I followed you! :)

  5. OMG OMG REBOOT & THE END GAMES! Lucky! I really hope the story won't disappoint. I need to get Angry Girl b/c I got the 2nd book. :) Awesome haul Natalie!

    My STS:

    Little Book Star

  6. The End Games looks interesting and I will have to take a closer look at the Kings and Queens or Roam.

  7. I have Reboot and Thorn Abbey too, from Edelweiss. Can't wait to read them! The End Games looks so good. Wish I had that one! Thanks for stopping by:)

  8. Oh my gosh! What a great haul. I can't wait to read The Summer my Life went up in flames and Reboot

  9. Wow! Awesome haul for you :) You got some awesome EArcs!!! Vain just came onto my radar today from another stacking the shelves and now I want to read it so badly :) I also really want to read Confessions of an Angry Girl. I hope you enjoy all your books !!! Thanks for stopping by my post :)

  10. I just bought Sweet Evil for my kindle!! Happy reading!!
    New follower via bloglovin'
    My STS

  11. I'm in the middle of Storm right now, and I'm really liking it. Jealous of Reboot! It looks really interesting. Thanks for stopping by my StS.

  12. I've got ebook ARCs for Reboot and The End Games too. Still haven't read them though.
    I haven't heard about The Kings and Queens of Roam before, but I see that the same author wrote Big Fish - I loved that movie I didn't know it was based on book. I requested it from NetGalley too right now. :)
    A lot of great looking book in your haul, the rest is most still waiting on my tbr too, but I hope you read them soon and enjoy them all!
    Thanks for stopping by my STS :)

  13. Oh, your blog is so cute :-) Anyway, I LOVE Fisher Amelie, Wendy Higgins is one of my favorite authors and Sweet Evil is brilliant. Kaidan Rowe - 'nuff said;-) I'd love to read Invisibility, Reboot and The End Games. I hope you have fun with your fantastic haul and have a great weekend :-)

  14. I'm dying to read REBOOT and STORM! Hope you enjoy all your new books :D

  15. Great haul! I've heard so many good things about the Elemental series and Confessions of an Angry Girl and need to check out both. I hope you enjoy all of your books, and thanks for stopping by!

  16. I cannot wait to read The End Games. It sounds so good and I just love the cover. Hope you enjoy it!

  17. OOooh, me likey the cover for End Games!!! *-*

  18. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Sweet Evil and Confessions of an Angry Girl were both really good reads! I can't wait to read Thorn Abbey, it sounds amazing! New GFC follower by the way =)

  19. cool haul. enjoy your new reads :)

    new follower

  20. Reboot and End Games are both on my TBR list- can't wait to read them! I bought Sweet Evil last week and I can't wait to hear what you think about Vain!

    My STS

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  21. Oh you're killing me with all your great books! You got some awesome E-Arcs too. :)

  22. Nice haul! I can't wait to read Invisibility. Happy reading :)

  23. Ooo, you got a bunch of good E-ARCs. I'm super stoked for How My Summer Went Up in Flames, Reboot, and Invisibility.

  24. Wow a wonderful haul! I hope you enjoy them all! Happy reading!
    Thanks for stopping by!

    Lis @ The reader lines

  25. Nice! I picked up an ebook of Sweet Evil for $1.99 last week! I'm curious about Thorn Abbey too. Hope you are reading something good!

    Sabrina @iheartyafiction

  26. I'm eyeballing Thorn Abbey. I think I originally got rejected for Invisibility, and I never actually got Reboot! I think I missed the time for that one. But Thorn Abbey! I definitely want to read that one. I hope you enjoy all of your books! :)

    Check out my STS post!

  27. Confessions of an Angry Girl is AMAZING and you will love it if you haven't read it already :) How My Summer Went Up in Flames looks really sweet too and I almost requested it but then I realized I had no time lol. OMG I'm totally jealous of Thorn Abbey I wanted to read that one SO BAD but I got rejected for it so yeah :P

    Happy reading!

  28. Oh, these all look awesome! Invisibility is on my list, and I'll have to check out Thorn Abby. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and happy reading :)

  29. You had anawesome haul this week! So many great books!! Happy Reading!!!

  30. I definitely need to get my hands on Reboot! And I've been meaning to read Storm for so long! I hope you enjoy these new books! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post! Sorry for the super late response.

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  31. I can't wait to read Invisibility and Sweet Evil!! Great haul this week! Enjoy :)

  32. All the covers for your haul are nice! I haven't read any of those books but I will be checking out How My Summer Went Up Into Flames and Invisibility thanks to your post. Happy reading! :)

  33. Awesome book haul. I read Vain recently and I absolutely loved it. It is so different from so many of the NA romances out there. I hope you love it.

  34. Great haul! I want to read Sweet Evil :)

  35. Ahh I want to read How My Summer Went Up In Flames and Thorn Abbey so bad! And Reboot ahah.

    Great haul!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Alyssa @ Swept Away By Books

  36. Aaaah, REBOOT??? I am SO jealous! I can't wait to read that book. Awesome awesome haul - I feel like mine was tiny compared to everyone else's! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    My STS post!

  37. I have Sweet Evil as well, but I haven't read it yet. You'll have to let me know which books need to be read immediately since all of these titles are newer to me. Happy reading!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  38. I'm so excited to read Reboot! I'm actually going to Amy Tintera's release party next month! YAY FOR BOOKS!


  39. SO jealous of Invisibility right now, I really can't wait to read that book! Also, Sweet Evil is an excellent buy, I really loved it :) Thank-you so much for stopping by!!



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