Friday, September 2, 2016


Weekly Rewind 9.3.16

Friday, September 2, 2016 10:00 PM with 11 comments
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Weekly Rewind
The new books on my shelves and my week in a nutshell.

Throughout my student teaching semester I was using my weekend post as a way to let people know what's going on in my life, so I've decided to rename my weekend post because this feature is more personal than just what books I've received. The Weekly Rewind will be about what's going on with me and my blog, as well as about the books I've added to my shelves. This post is linked to Stacking the Shelves over at Tynga's Reviews and the Sunday Post over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

My Life and Blog

Life: Whew! This has been a week. The first week of school is always so crazy, but this one was especially so. Because my school has more English teachers than English classrooms, I'm on a cart and travel between rooms. I did this last year, so it isn't really a big deal, but it's still an adjustment of being in the right place at the right time. We also had back-to-school night with the parents on Wednesday, which made for an extremely long day. I'm so glad this is Labor Day weekend. My kids seem like they are going to be a great bunch this year, though, and I'm excited to get to know them better. I'm slowly learning their names and personalities. With 75 students, it usually takes me a couple of weeks before I remember all their names. I haven't had any free time, so I'm sorry I didn't make it back to most of your blogs last week. If you left me a comment last week (or you do this week), I promise to make it by your blog this weekend.  

I am headed home for the long weekend. My husband will be gone the next couple of weekends, so I definitely want to spend what time I can with him since we will be spending the next three apart. I don't plan on doing a whole lot this weekend beyond catching up on sleep. We ended up going to see the newest Star Trek film last weekend which we both enjoyed, but neither of us loved. It was worth seeing in the theater, I think, but I liked the second film more. 

Blog and reading: A WoW this week. I started and finished listening to The Hopefuls by Jennifer Close. As much as I like her writing (Girls in White Dresses is one of my all-time favorites), I was disappointed in the story. I hope to sit down and write (a short) review this weekend. As far as non-audiobooks are concerned, I've very much struggled to want to read this week. I'm in the middle of several books right now, but have only been able to read a page or two before my mind starts racing and I have to put it down. Next week I'll start getting into the swing of actual lessons/content (most of which are already completely planned), which will help free up some mind-space. I hope to read An Ember of Ashes (finally) this week and I have A Darker Shade of Magic on audio waiting for me at my PA library. 

New Books: I have a handful of lovelies that I'm excited to read this week, both for review and from the library. So without further ado, I hope you are all having fabulous weekends!

For Review

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The Forgetting  by Sharon Cameron
So from what I'm gathering from the synopsis, this is a story about a town whose residents forget everything about their lives every 12 years unless they have their memories written down. I think this cover is just lovely. 
Going Geek by Charlotte Huang
This takes place at an East Coast boarding school which is all I need to know to be interested. 
About a girl with siren-like powers. The reviews for this one are unfortunately pretty middling, but I'm going to give it a try. 
Pasadena  by Sherri L. Smith
A noir about a girl trying to understand her best friend's murder. 
The Lost and the Found by Cat Clarke
This is one of those girl returns years after being abducted but is t really her books. 
Cradle and All by James Patterson
I'm so intrigued by this YA rendition of a book that was published 15 years ago about girls around the world who are getting pregnant despite being virgins and a former nun turned detective. (On a related note, I'm also intrigued by the YA rendition of The Da Vinci Code. It's an interested trend, no?)
When They Fade by Jeyn Roberts
Reading the synopsis I'm not exactly sure what this is about, but I know it follows two girl, one living and one dead and it looks intriguing. 

What I snagged from the library

25558608 The Darkest Corners

A Torch Against the Night  by Sabaa Tahir
Confession time: I still haven't read An Ember in the Ashes (despite having an ARC). I started it before its release date and got decently far...before putting it down. I started it again a couple of night ago and am determined to finish it this time. (I know. I know.)
The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas
I'm about halfway through this and am certainly intrigued. 

Well that's it for me this week. Feel free to leave a link to whatever weekend post you do (Stacking the Shelves, In My Mailbox, etc). I love to see what books people have recently snagged and especially enjoy hearing about my fellow bloggers' weeks. I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!


  1. Nice haul! I hope to read An Ember in the Ashes soon too! I’ve had the book for a while now but still haven’t picked it up… I heard great things about the sequel as well! The Darkest Corners looks interesting! Happy reading!

  2. Looks like a wonderful week for you this week. I hope you love all of your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. I LOVED The Forgetting! You are in for a treat! Have you read Cameron's other three books? All are really, really good. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  4. Glad to hear school is going well so far! Wow, working off of a cart sounds challenging but kind of fun! LOL
    I'm reading The Forgetting now and absolutely loving it, but thats not a surprise---I've loved all of her books. I should check out Lost and Found. I loved Cat Clarke's very first book but I never read any others.

  5. Good luck with the new school year! I hope it is a great one! I also need to read An Ember in the Ashes -- hopefully this fall! Have a great week!

  6. I can only imagine how crazy first week of school is for teachers. All the hard work is more than appreciated! I don't plan on doing anything else this weekend but read and nap as well. And hopefully to catch up on the blogs.

  7. I imagine school starting up is stressful and hectic. Glad you liked the new Star Trek- I haven't seen it yet but heard good things. I'm kinda waffling because I'm not really fond of the reboot thing- but I have heard is good.

    The Forgetting I agree does have a nice cover, and sounds good too.

  8. Glad your first week of school went well! I have done the roving teacher thing as well. You get used to it, but it never quite gets 'easy'. I am listening to a Torch Against the night! Its great!! Have a good week! Enjoy the time with your hubby!

  9. I rarely visit a blog where I want to read ALL the books listed - but, I want to read all the books you have listed!

    The beginning a new school year is always so crazy! I used to work in an elementary in the library, and it was so hard getting stuff in order - but the kids make it worth it. Glad to hear you have a great bunch of kids this year. :)

  10. Some great new books there.

    I'm glad you're feeling positive about your classes and school and the kids. The moving between rooms doesn't sound ideal though!

    But I hope you have a restful (long) weekend and feel recovered for next week!

  11. Gah, I need to read An Ember in the Ashes, too. I did read an interesting article about the origin of the idea, though, so now my interest is piqued all over again. Fingers crossed we both enjoy it!


Hello, there! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every one and will do my best to respond--usually on your blog instead of on mine. I will, however, always answer direct questions. Due to serious time restraints, this blog is now an award free zone, but I appreciate the thought!