Friday, June 3, 2016


Weekly Rewind 6.4.16

Friday, June 3, 2016 10:41 PM with 5 comments
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Weekly Rewind
The new books on my shelves and my week in a nutshell.

Throughout my student teaching semester I was using my weekend post as a way to let people know what's going on in my life, so I've decided to rename my weekend post because this feature is more personal than just what books I've received. The Weekly Rewind will be about what's going on with me and my blog, as well as about the books I've added to my shelves.

My Life and Blog

Life: I'm so jealous of those 1st day/last day posts I've been seeing on IG/FB. I still have a week and a half to go in school. 7 more days with students and then 2 in-service days for us teachers and then it's summertime! Not to sound like a broken record, but I'm very much ready to be home for the summer. I cannot wait to sleep in and read and watch bad TV and just be with my honey. Ready, ready, ready. I've done a lot of debating on what to do with my students for the last week. They have taken their state tests and my department really just gives control to individual teachers to plan their last unit. I've decided to do a Choose Your Own Adventure unit where students are going to write their own CYOA stories and then create a Google Slide presentation (instead of a book). I think they'll enjoy it. 

Blog and reading:WoW this week. Hopefully over the summer I'll start to get back in the groove of writing some book and movie reviews, but since becoming a teacher a couple of years ago, I decided that this blog was going to be a completely stress-free zone for me. I love doing these weekend posts, and I love doing WoWs, so I know those will continue. I'm currently reading My Lady Jane which is a lot of fun. I'm about 35% of the way through it now and very much hope to finish it this weekend (and maybe even write a review before it releases Tuesday). I'm also reading and enjoying With Malice and My Best Friend's Exorcism (which is a weird one). 

New Books: I have a handful of pretties to show you this week. So without further ado, I hope you are all having fabulous weekends. 

For Review

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Look Both Ways by Alison Cherry
Set at a summer theater program. That's really all I needed to hear to be interested in this one. 
Cure for the Common Universe by Christian McKay Heidicker
Oh, that cover. I love it so. 
The Girls by Emma Cline
This is about a girl who gets mixed up with the Manson Girls. It sounds fascinating. 
How to Disappear by Ann Redisch Stampler
A girl is on the run after she either witnessed or committed a murder. Intriguing!
A boy tries to get his best friend to fall in love with him. 
Change Places With Me by Lois Metzger
I'm not exactly sure what this is about, but what I can gather is that a girl wakes up feeling different because somebody has taken over her body? 
How it Feels to Fly by Kathryn Holmes
I'll pretty much always pick up a book if it features a ballerina. 
Life Moves Pretty Fast  by Hadley Freeman
A nonfiction look at 80s movies. So sold. 

What I snagged from the library


My Best's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
I'm about a third of the way through this. It's pretty weird, but different and quickly-paced. 
I'm honestly a little bit in love with both of these actresses, myself, so I'm excited to watch this one. 

Well that's it for me this week. Feel free to leave a link to whatever weekend post you do (Stacking the Shelves, In My Mailbox, etc). I love to see what books people have recently snagged and especially enjoy hearing about my fellow bloggers' weeks. I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!


  1. Enjoy your last few days of school! I have heard great things about The Girls...can't wait to hear your thoughts on that one. Enjoy your books!

  2. Wow!! I thought my son having to go to school on Monday was crazy. I can't believe you still have a week and a half, but it will be over before you know it. Happy reading this week!

    My STS:

  3. So exciting! Love the fact that you have all the rest of the summer off! So jealous. :)

    Enjoy your reads!

  4. The more I see and hear of My Lady Jane the more I want to read it. I just reviewed My Best Friend's Exorcism this past week. Definitely different. I really liked it except for one scene toward the end. Hope your last week goes quickly.

  5. You've got some great reads this week!! Some of them are going on my wishlist!

    If you'd like, please stop by and see Cafinated Reads' StS!


Hello, there! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every one and will do my best to respond--usually on your blog instead of on mine. I will, however, always answer direct questions. Due to serious time restraints, this blog is now an award free zone, but I appreciate the thought!