Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Top Ten Tuesdays (7) Favorite covers

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:44 AM with 64 comments
Top Ten Tuesdays is a is is a weekly meme/original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click the link to go to their site to see the original list for today plus links to a whole slew of other blogs. After you read mine, of course.

Today's Topic: Top 10 favorite covers of books I've read
That Time I Joined the CircusThe Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1)Splintered (Splintered, #1)The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers (The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers, #1)
I love the lighting of this book. The circus looks so warm and inviting. It's glowing. This isn't the best book, but I adore this cover.
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Underwater covers have become quite popular of the last couple of years. I remember drooling over this cover for months before I read the book. Again, not my favorite story, but I do love this cover.
Splintered by A.G. Howard
Green is my favorite color and this shade is just so vibrant. I love the vines, flowers, and insects that are framing the girl. This cover really portrays the dark whimsey of Howard's Wonderland.
Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers by Lynn Weingarten
Just pretty. And the book was actually both better and different from what I was expecting.
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
I'll be honest. I didn't love this one. I wanted it to be so much scarier than it was. And I find the idea of ghost-human love ridiculous, but I do love this cover.
Mind Games by Kiersten White
This book has been pretty polarizing on Goodreads and in the blogsphere, but I loved this twisty YA about sister assassins.
Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
I love a cover with a sense of humor.
Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza
Another cover I obsessed over only to be disappointed by what was inside.
For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund
I'm currently reading this one. I really like it so far. I'm a sucker for cover that have stars or some other galactic focus.
The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood
This is easily one of my favorite books of all times. It is pure genius. And that cover is cool and creepy. I love everything about this novel.

Man, there are so many cool, pretty, crazy covers out there. As I was surfing my books on Goodreads, I found all kinds of pretty covers of books I've eyed up for forever, but have never picked up. So I'm going to cheat and add one more line of pretty covers. These are just a few of my favorite covers of books I still need to read.

Hereafter (Hereafter, #1)Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)The Peculiar (The Peculiar, #1)The Selection (The Selection, #1)

I could do this all day, but I'm going to stop now. So much cover love. I can't wait to see what you all have chosen this week.

So what are your favorite covers? Link me up!

*Followers and comments are welcome and much appreciated. If you leave a comment, please also leave your link so I can come visit you. I'll always try to follow those who are following me, but if I somehow forget you, please just let me know. Happy reading! 


  1. You know, I've not actually come across that Atwood title. I think I'm going to have to check that out - and the cover is pretty fabulous!

  2. Ooh, Splintered and Mind Games have SUCH gorgeous covers! So pretty! Great list.

    My TTT: http://dragongirl28.blogspot.com/2013/05/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-favorite-covers.html

  3. these are some really great covers. i love for the darkness shows the stars and the margaret dyer covers, though i haven't read them.
    My top 10

  4. There were definitely just too many to choose from. I debated Anna Dressed in blood. Thanks for stopping by today. Oh sweet cover loving Tuesday! Have a great week!

  5. Love the Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers cover! I love the glittery stars. Great picks all around!

  6. Great Picks! I have Clockwork Princess on mine as well. I really like the name of your blog, very creative! :-) New Follower

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

  7. The covers for Splintered & Mind Games are so pretty, but I haven't read them yet... soon though!

  8. I agree with you if I had a freedom to pick from my tbr my list would be even prettier. I would add The Selection and Clockwork princess too. I love all your picks from your read list too. That time I joined the circus - love the colors. And I somehow skipped Mila 2.0 although I first spotted that book because of awesome cover...
    Top ten favorite book covers of books I've read...

  9. Wow great choices I've got a lot of these on my to-read list.
    Thanks for stopping by allwehaveisstories.

  10. Great choices! I would have steered toward some of them if I had read them already! lol :)

  11. I love the Mind Games cover too, but was not a fan of the book.

  12. Yessssssss!!!! Splintered. I want to read that SO bad but I just haven't bought it yet. I think I went to B&N and they didn't have any, so I got something else. (obviously I can't leave without buying at least one book! Pshh) The second book cover is simply smashing as well! Great picks. READ HEREAFTER! Great book!!
    Beth | The Reading Vixens
    Vixen's Top Ten!

  13. Gah! So much pretty!! Splintered, That Time I Joined the Circus, For Darkness Shows the Stars and MILA 2.0 are some of my favorites but I still need to read ALL of these! Awesome selection, thanks for sharing :D

    New follower via GFC, Bloglovin' & G+ ♥
    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  14. I'm pretty sure that Splintered is one of my favorite covers ever! It totally made my list too!
    My TTT

  15. Your list is KILLER! I love it! Great choices.

    My TTT

  16. Amazing list! I can't get over how pretty the Clockwork Princess cover is! I would have put that one on my list if I'd read it, haha!

  17. I'm with you on Anna Dressed in Blood. Loved the cover, but not the book all that much. The Robber Bride is fantastic (yup, I'm an Atwood fan). This is a terrific list! I had a hard time stopping at 10 too...

    My TTT

  18. You have SO MANY that I wanted to put! Splintered, Mind Games, Anna Dressed In Blood, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. They're all so great!!
    Definitely read The Selection when you have the chance. I really enjoyed it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  19. So many beautiful books!
    I love the covers for That Time I Joined the Circus & For Darkness Shows the Stars, they're just gorgeous! I need to read them.
    Mara & Anna are also really pretty covers.
    I definitely recommend picking up The Selection & Clockwork Princess soon! :)
    Great list :)

  20. Nice picks! Yes to Splintered, The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers and For the Darkness Shows the Stars:)

  21. Great list - Love For the Darkness Shows Stars, Mind Games, and Drink Slay Love!

  22. Nice picks! The cover for hereafter looks great.

  23. So many gorgeous covers. Mara Dyer, Mind Games and For Darkness Shows the Stars almost made it onto my list too, and Splintered definitely would have if I had read the book.

  24. These covers are all so great! I think my favorite is Hereafter, but I haven't read that one yet either, lol.

  25. The cover for Splintered is STUNNING. I wish I'd seen it around more places. I also love the one for For Darkness Shows the Stars, which I keep on seeing people review positively. Thanks for posting.

  26. I love the Mara Dyer and Mila 2.0 covers...but I haven't read them yet, so I couldn't put them on my list!

  27. Love your choices! The covers are all so intricate! Mind Games and The Robber Bride are definitely two of my favorites! Great choices!

  28. Great picks! I love Splintered cover.
    Thanks for stopping by My Top 10 Tuesday

  29. I'm a sucker for covers with stars on them, too. :) I have For Darkness Shows the Stars on my shelf (bought it on a rec, plus THAT COVER IS GORGEOUS) but I still haven't gotten to it yet. Guess I'd better hurry since I have the companion novel for review. :)

  30. You have a beautiful list. I wanted to put Splintered and Mila 2.0 on my list so bad but I haven't read them yet! Mind Games and Anna Dressed in Blood have really cool covers too! I also added Mara Dyer to my list-though I, too, was disappointed by the book I loved the cover.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)

  31. The cover for That Time I Joined the Circus makes me want to actually join a circus. It's so beautiful! I think I won this in a giveaway, so hopefully I'll be able to read it soon :D

  32. I have Mara Dyer on my list too. I really want to read Splintered. I like that she looks a little crazy on that cover. For Darkness Shows the Stars and Anna Dressed in Blood are two others I've read, and I like both their covers. Great list!

  33. Anna Dressed in Blood almost made my list, and I completely forgot about For Darkness Shows the Stars! (Sad, since I just finished it on Sunday). Great covers!

  34. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. I haven't actually read any of your top 10. But most of them are on my TBR list. Great choices...especially Anna and Mara Dyer.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  35. I love covers that involve pretty dressed and glamour. Clockwork Princess has a fabulous cover (although I haven't read the series). I thought long and hard about adding Anna to my list, but I could only chose ten.

  36. The only one of these books I've read is Splintered, but I love all the covers you picked. They're all so dynamic! Great choices!

  37. Splintered has such a fabulous cover! Great picks :)

  38. I love Splintered's cover -- so vibrant! Gah, so many covers, so little time :)

    Thanks for checking out my list earlier -- I'm finally getting the chance to see what other people selected. Better late than never :)

  39. Drink Slay Love looks interesting. Great choices. Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)

  40. Awww I'm sad to hear that That Time I Joined the Circus wasn't a hit, but I also love the cover. And Anna Dressed in Blood does have a cool cover. If you're not big into ghost-human love, you may want to check out The Mediator series by Meg Cabot. That will change your mind. :P It's a fun series. And the cover for The Robber Bride is so intriguing. I need to read some Margaret Atwood. Especially since you say it's a genius book. Great list, Natalie!

  41. I love your picks. While I didn't really like Secret Sistrhood OHB I love that cover too and completely forgot about it. Nice to see we have a bunch of the same picks! I also love Mila but haven't read it yet. Need to get on that lol

  42. Wow, I love just about every cover on this list. Goodness, this list is so awesome. Kudos!

  43. The cover for Splintered is amazing!Great list!

  44. You chose some amazing covers! The cover for Mara Dyer is one of my all time favorites. I particularly love Mind Games and For Darkness Shows the Stars. Great list :)

  45. Great picks! Seven of those probably would have made my own list if I'd already read them XD

    Thanks for dropping by my Top Ten Tuesday post! :D

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  46. Yay for Splintered <3 that book was just beautiful all the way through - they did such a good job with it! The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer seemed to be a popular choice and I can see why :D Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers is so cool with all the stars! And that Drink, Slay, Love cover would definitely make me pick it up off the shelves. Great list! And thanks for stopping by my top ten :D

  47. Wow, they are my favorite too though I haven't read most them. We picked the same covers too like TUoMD and Clockwork Princess. Great picks!

  48. Those are all gorgeous covers! I haven't heard of any of those books, but the covers definitely make me want to check them out. Although I agree that it's disappointing when the cover looks awesome, but the book ends up being only so-so. Oh well. If the cover doesn't draw you in, then it's not doing its job!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Denise @ Life With No Plot

  49. I read That Time I Joined the Circus, but forgot it considering it is a perfect choice for this list! I haven't read some of these but I adore their covers!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  50. You have amazing choices here! I LOVE the cover for The Peculiar - so interesting that it made me go and add this book to my TBR list!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT! Following you back via BlogLovin'.

  51. I have For Darkness Shows the Stars on my shelf and I'm glad I have a copy because it has such a pretty cover. I hope I get to read it soon.

  52. Those are ten really lovely covers. I especially like Splintered and The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers.

  53. Great list! Have you seen the cover for the sequel to Splintered? I like it even more! Thanks for visiting :-)

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  54. I LOVE the cover of Splintered and For Darkness Shows the Stars but haven't read either of them, yet! Great picks! Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)

  55. YES to all of these!! They're gorgeous and fantastic and wonderful. With some of them, I didn't particularly care for the book, but the covers!! THE COVERS!!

    Great list.


  56. I love the Hereafter, Anna, and That Time I Joined the Circus covers! I actually just finished TTIJTC an hour or so ago, or I would've included that one myself!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  57. I really like the cover for Mind Games but I haven't read it yet! You have some amazing covers including some of my faves on your list! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  58. So many awesome books and covers! I love that I keep seeing Splintered pop up everywhere. That one is amazing! Thanks for stopping by my ttt

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  59. Such great choices! I love the For Darkness Shows the stars cover. SO pretty! Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  60. Oh, I love your picks, the vibrancy of the colours! I would have loved to have included Anna Dressed in Blood in my post because I LOVE that cover, but I haven't read it yet. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my post earlier!

  61. I LOOOVE the cover for Splintered, though sadly I had some issues with the book itself. Oh, and the cover for The Peculiar is so super cute. Love it so!

  62. Anna Dressed in Blood almost made my list too! It's really great. I also like the Hereafter cover, but didn't love the book. I hope you will though! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books


Hello, there! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read each and every one and will do my best to respond--usually on your blog instead of on mine. I will, however, always answer direct questions. Due to serious time restraints, this blog is now an award free zone, but I appreciate the thought!