Weekly Rewind
The new books on my shelves, the links I loved, and my week in a nutshell.
Since I started this blog I've
participated in Stacking the Shelves, which is a weekly feature hosted
Tyngas Reviews, and I'm
going to continue linking to that meme. Throughout my student teaching
semester I was using my weekend post as a way to let people know what's
going on in my life, so I've decided to rename my weekend post because this
feature is more personal than just what books I've received. The Weekly
Rewind will be about what's going on
with me and my blog, as well as about the books I've added to my
shelves, and the links I've enjoyed over the past week from other
blogs and the interwebs in general.
My Life and Blog
Life: So I had two interviews this week, both for schools in Florida. I've already heard back from one that I didn't get the job, but I'm completely ok with it because I was going to turn it down if I got the offer anyway. I'm chalking it up to good experience--interviewing can be so nerve-wracking! It was the first teacher interview I've done and I felt really positive about it when it was over. When the principal called to let me know they were going in another direction he told me that I did a great job during the interview and they were all impressed which made me feel good (even if it was only said to make me feel good). I won't hear about the other job for a couple of weeks--and it is one I actually would take--but I feel pretty good about it. There are still a couple of schools in my area (and a few from out-of-state) that I'm dying to hear from. We'll see. At least for today I'm feeling pretty zen about it. You can only get so stressed out before you reach a breaking point, right? I have faith that it is all going to work out like it should. (No matter how zen I'm feeling, I would still love those good thoughts and crossed fingers!)
My mother-in-law has been staying with us for the past week. She does the books for my husband's business so comes out every other month or so. Listen, I'm pretty lucky as far as my in-laws are concerned, but it's just hard to have anybody in your house for more than a few days. Especially somebody who thinks that every word that comes out of my husband's mouth is hilarious--especially when he is ragging on me for some reason. I'm trying to come up with a game plan for tomorrow to be out of the house for as long as possible. I'm so close to the edge a feather could knock me over. Deep breaths. Zen. You are being zen...
Blog: The week started out pretty slow, but I got my act together by mid-week.
- Wednesday: Have you heard of The Third Twin? It looks creepy and fun.
- Thursday: I bemoan cover changes in my discussion post: Why, Publishers, Why?!? (Part 1). Part 1 because I know there are covers I forgot to bemoan.
- Friday: An early review for The Fever. This started out strong, but ended up being disappointing.
New Books: I have a lot of books to share, so without further adieu...Hope you are all having fabulous weekends!
Review Books
I was trying to hold off starting this one, but I can't do it. I'm only about 3 chapters in, but I'm really enjoying it. That cover just screams summer which is exactly what I need right now.
I've been looking forward to this one since first seeing that creepy cover months ago, but it isn't super impressive yet (at about 20%). Hopefully it will pick up soon.
I am the Mission by Allen Zadoff
The second book in the Boy Nobody series.
Boy Nobody was a fun teen spy novel, so I'm excited to see what happens next.
A re-telling of Cinderella from a not-so-evil stepsister's POV. I'm starting to feel like Cinderella re-tellings are a dime a dozen, but hopefully this one is good.
A long lost brother and sister break out of an evil orphanage after their cat burglar father dies.
So Followers (above) is about a girl whose Twitter feed is hacked and deaths that are tweeted actually occur. Wickedpedia is about two guy friends who make up a Wikipedia page about a classmate dying on a soccer field only to have it happen. Weird, right?
What I bought
I've been wanting to read this book about a girl charged with her friend's murder in Aruba. I've heard it's awesome and can't wait to start it.
I've read this breezy murder mystery already, but snagged it for a dollar at HPB. Can't beat that.
Also on clearance at HPB. I'm a bit wary about this novel about a girl who moves across the country to NYC to follow her crush to his new school (hi, teenage Felicity), but again, you can't beat a dollar.
When a girl's boyfriend breaks up with her she literally dies of a broken heart. The cover is lovely. I've been eyeing this one up for ages, so was thrilled when it was also on clearance--for two dollars.
What I snagged from the library
I've checked this one out a couple of time, but I'm determined to read it this time. Those shoes are so cute.
A wedding florist who doesn't believe in love...can't you just see Katherine Heigel's ears perking up for the movie rights.
No, I've never read this. Yes, this is the fourth time I've checked it out. Will it happen this time? *Shrugs* Maybe.
Link Love
- Mands @The Bookish Manicurist reviewed Deep Blue Sea and showed off some beyond gorgeous nails to match (like, for real, she painted a mermaid on her nails and it looks awesome).
Upcoming Reviews
Well that's it for me this week. Feel free to leave a link to
whatever weekend post you do (Stacking the Shelves, In My Mailbox, etc).
I love to see what books people have recently snagged and especially
enjoy hearing about my fellow bloggers' weeks. I hope you are
all having a fabulous weekend!
Monday, June 30, 2014
On the Fence (ARC Review)
On the Fence
Author: Kasie West
Publisher: Harper Teen
Number of Pages: 320
Release Date: July 1, 2014
Synopsis from Goodreads:
She's a tomboy. He's the boy next door…
Charlie Reynolds can outrun, outscore, and outwit every boy she knows. But when it comes to being a girl, Charlie doesn't know the first thing about anything. So when she starts working at a chichi boutique to pay off a speeding ticket, she finds herself in a strange new world. To cope with the stress of her new reality, Charlie takes to spending nights chatting with her neighbor Braden through the fence between their yards. As she grows to depend on their nightly Fence Chats, she realizes she's got a bigger problem than speeding tickets-she's falling for Braden. She knows what it means to go for the win, but if spilling her secret means losing him for good, the stakes just got too high.
Fun, original, and endearing, On the Fence is a romantic comedy about finding yourself and finding love where you least expect.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Tease (ARC Review)
Author: Amanda Maciel
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Number of Pages: 328
Release Date: April 29, 2014
Synopsis from Goodreads:
From debut author Amanda Maciel comes a provocative and unforgettable novel, inspired by real-life incidents, about a teenage girl who faces criminal charges for bullying after a classmate commits suicide.
Emma Putnam is dead, and it's all Sara Wharton's fault. At least, that's what everyone seems to think. Sara, along with her best friend and three other classmates, has been criminally charged for the bullying and harassment that led to Emma's shocking suicide. Now Sara is the one who's ostracized, already guilty according to her peers, the community, and the media. In the summer before her senior year, in between meetings with lawyers and a court-recommended therapist, Sara is forced to reflect on the events that brought her to this moment—and ultimately consider her own role in an undeniable tragedy. And she'll have to find a way to move forward, even when it feels like her own life is over.
With its powerful narrative, unconventional point of view, and strong anti-bullying theme, this coming-of-age story offers smart, insightful, and nuanced views on high school society, toxic friendships, and family relationships.
What I liked about this book is that Sara isn't vilified. Her actions are despicable, but she is still just a young girl who had no idea that her actions would have such dire consequences. I also really liked how Emma wasn't canonized. She isn't shown as some angel. She definitely goes after Dylan and plays the game of teenage girls. She was obviously a sad and confused girl, but in my (maybe not popular opinion) I don't think that the bullying could have been the only reason she committed suicide. We'll never know what really caused her to go to such horrible extremes, but that's how life is. In real life there will always be a question of WHY? What could cause somebody to just give up on life completely?
The only issue I had with this book is pretty minor: I feel like about 50 pages or so could have been shaved off as the later half starts to drag, but, again, that's a minor complaint. I didn't LOVE this book because it would be hard to love anything with such a sad, hard-hitting subject matter, but I did admire it and I would absolutely recommend it. When I have my own secondary classroom, this book will definitely be on my shelves for students to read. It really is such an important book. It's easy for teenagers to forget that their words and actions hold weight. It's important to remind teenagers that high school will be over soon enough and that they still have their whole lives in front of them. What seems SO important now will be something they will laugh at in 10 years. You just have to get through it.
Definitely recommend.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Waiting on Wednesday (58) Dead to Me
Author: Mary McCoy
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Release Date: March 3, 2015
Link to Goodreads:
LA Confidential for the YA audience. This alluring noir YA mystery with a Golden Age Hollywood backdrop will keep you guessing until the last page.
"Don't believe anything they say."
Those were the last words that Annie spoke to Alice before turning her back on their family and vanishing without a trace. Alice spent four years waiting and wondering when the impossibly glamorous sister she idolized would return to her--and what their Hollywood-insider parents had done to drive her away.
When Annie does turn up, the blond, broken stranger lying in a coma has no answers for her. But Alice isn't a kid anymore, and this time she won't let anything stand between her and the truth, no matter how ugly. The search for those who beat Annie and left her for dead leads Alice into a treacherous world of tough-talking private eyes, psychopathic movie stars, and troubled starlets--and onto the trail of a young runaway who is the sole witness to an unspeakable crime. What this girl knows could shut down a criminal syndicate and put Annie's attacker behind bars--if Alice can find her first. And she isn't the only one looking
Evoking classic film noir, debut novelist Mary McCoy brings the dangerous glamour of Hollywood's Golden Age to life, where the most decadent parties can be the deadliest, and no drive into the sunset can erase the crimes of past.
Why I'm Excited:
A YA LA Confidential! Seriously, I didn't have to read past those 3 words to know this is the book for me. I love everything about the Golden Age of Hollywood. Everything about this sounds amazing. Everything. Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Hey lovely GFC and new followers, please follow me by Bloglovin as we all know Google Reader has gone/is going by the wayside. (I like to follow back, so please let me know if you're a new follower--and leave a link!) Thank you!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Weekly Rewind 6.21.14
Weekly Rewind
The new books on my shelves, the links I loved, and my week in a nutshell.
Since I started this blog I've participated in Stacking the Shelves, which is a weekly feature hosted by Tyngas Reviews, and I'm going to continue linking to that meme. Throughout my student teaching semester I was using my weekend post as a way to let people know what's going on in my life, so I've decided to rename my weekend post because this feature is more personal than just what books I've received. The Weekly Rewind will be about what's going on with me and my blog, as well as about the books I've added to my shelves, and the links I've enjoyed over the past week from other blogs and the interwebs in general.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The Body in the Woods (ARC Review)
The Body in the Woods
Author: April Henry
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co
Number of Pages: 263
Release Date: June 17, 2014
Synopsis from Goodreads:
In this new series told from multiple perspectives, teen members of a search and rescue team discover a dead body in the woods.
Alexis, Nick, and Ruby have very different backgrounds: Alexis has spent her life covering for her mom’s mental illness, Nick’s bravado hides his fear of not being good enough, and Ruby just wants to pursue her eccentric interests in a world that doesn’t understand her. When the three teens join Portland County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, they are teamed up to search for a autistic man lost in the woods. What they find instead is a dead body. In a friendship that will be forged in danger, fear, and courage, the three team up to find the girl’s killer—before he can strike one of their own.
This first book in April Henry’s Point Last Seen YA mystery series is full of riveting suspense, putting readers in the middle of harrowing rescues and crime scene investigations.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Waiting on Wednesday (57) I'm Glad I Did
Author: Cynthia Weil
Publisher: Soho Teen
Release Date: January 27 , 2015
Link to Goodreads:
Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and songwriting legend Cynthia Weil's extraordinary YA debut opens the secretive doors of the Brill Building-the hit factory that changed history. Part Mad Men, part Grace of my Heart, part murder mystery, I'm Glad I Did is a coming-of-age story at an unforgettable cultural tipping point: the summer of 1963.
JJ Greene, a gifted 16-year-old songwriter, defies her lawyer parents by secretly applying for a job in the famed Brill Building-the epicenter of songwriting for a new genre called rock-n-roll. But their warnings about the evils of the music industry prove far darker than she imagined when she finds herself at the heart of a cover-up that involves hidden identity, theft, and possibly murder.
Story Locale: New York, NY
Why I'm Excited:
Everything about this sounds amazing. A book about rock-n-roll in the 60s + a murder mystery. How awesome can one book be? I'm also completely charmed by this cover. The hairdo, the old time-y microphone, that wallpaper! Adorable.
Hey lovely GFC and new followers, please follow me by Bloglovin as we all know Google Reader has gone/is going by the wayside. (I like to follow back, so please let me know if you're a new follower--and leave a link!) Thank you!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
TTT: Summer TBR
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click the link to go to their site to see the original list for today plus links to a whole slew of other blogs. After you read mine, of course.
The Dolls by Kili Sullivan
Mean girls + murder mystery.
Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham
I'm excited to read this memoir by the creator/star of Girls.
The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone by Adele Griffin
This book looks original and amazing.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Weekly Rewind 6.14.14
Weekly Rewind
The new books on my shelves, the links I loved, and my week in a nutshell.
Since I started this blog I've participated in Stacking the Shelves, which is a weekly feature hosted by Tyngas Reviews, and I'm going to continue linking to that meme. Throughout my student teaching semester I was using my weekend post as a way to let people know what's going on in my life, so I've decided to rename my weekend post because this feature is more personal than just what books I've received. The Weekly Rewind will be about what's going on with me and my blog, as well as about the books I've added to my shelves, and the links I've enjoyed over the past week from other blogs and the interwebs in general.
My mother-in-law has been staying with us for the past week. She does the books for my husband's business so comes out every other month or so. Listen, I'm pretty lucky as far as my in-laws are concerned, but it's just hard to have anybody in your house for more than a few days. Especially somebody who thinks that every word that comes out of my husband's mouth is hilarious--especially when he is ragging on me for some reason. I'm trying to come up with a game plan for tomorrow to be out of the house for as long as possible. I'm so close to the edge a feather could knock me over. Deep breaths. Zen. You are being zen...
New Books: I have a lot of books to share, so without further adieu...Hope you are all having fabulous weekends!
I am the Mission by Allen Zadoff
The second book in the Boy Nobody series. Boy Nobody was a fun teen spy novel, so I'm excited to see what happens next.
The Fever (Early Book Review)
The Fever
Author: Megan Abbott
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Number of Pages: 320
Release Date: June 17, 2014
Synopsis from The Fever:
The panic unleashed by a mysterious contagion threatens the bonds of family and community in a seemingly idyllic suburban community.
The Nash family is close-knit. Tom is a popular teacher, father of two teens: Eli, a hockey star and girl magnet, and his sister Deenie, a diligent student. Their seeming stability, however, is thrown into chaos when Deenie's best friend is struck by a terrifying, unexplained seizure in class. Rumors of a hazardous outbreak spread through the family, school and community.
As hysteria and contagion swell, a series of tightly held secrets emerges, threatening to unravel friendships, families and the town's fragile idea of security.
A chilling story about guilt, family secrets and the lethal power of desire, The Fever affirms Megan Abbot's reputation as "one of the most exciting and original voices of her generation" (Laura Lippman).
I've seen The Fever billed as both a YA and an adult book. In my opinion, this book is definitely an adult novel, but because the focus is on a group of high school girls, those who usually read YA will probably feel comfortable with this one. It follows three members of the Nash family: father, Tom, who is a teacher at the high school where the action takes place; son, Eli, who is popular and well-liked with girls throwing themselves at him on a fairly regular basis; and daughter, Deenie, a teenage girl who is just trying to get through high school while dealing with the shit a high school girl has to deal with: boys, friends, school, etc.
Deenie is shocked when her best friend, Lise, has a violent seizure in class at the beginning of the story. Soon Lise lying in a coma in the hospital, and other girls start to show physical and mental symptoms to some mysterious ailment that seems to only be affecting the girls in this small town. What is blame for this affliction? Is it the fenced-off lake that is so polluted it actually glows? Is it the HPV vaccine that was recently given to the girls in the town? Or is it something else--something otherworldly?
I have to admit: I was very intrigued by this novel for the first, oh 90% of it. I had no idea what the cause was, but I certainly wanted to figure it out. I also have to admit that I was completely disappointed by the pay-off which dramatically changed how I felt about this book.
This book does have several things going for it: the mystery is intriguing, the family dynamics are interesting, the hysteria of the parents as they try to figure out what is happening to their daughters is realistic, and the look at teenage girl life is spot-on. Abbott certainly understands "girl world". Throughout the book I found myself identifying with Abbott's view of the teenage girl. The shifting landscape of the Deenie and her group of girlfriends was so realistic. The friendships reminded me so much of my own high school life when alliances within my own group were constantly forming and reforming. Teenage girls, man, they can be a brutal bunch--as most of you know, I'm sure.
This book is also very much about sexual awakening. The need to lose your virginity just because you are the last one. Deenie compares it to Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None which is apropos and kind of hilarious. Eli is surprised when he gets explicit texts from girls only in their underwear, or by the brazenness of the girls who come to his house for one purpose.
Which brings me to my biggest pet peeve: the use of the word mouth over and over and over throughout the book: wet mouths, open mouths, dark mouths. Mouths, mouths, mouths. Ugh! It got to the point where I wished I would have counted. For real, this could be a new drinking game.
Overall and again, while I was so intrigued by the novel, by the end I was almost bitterly disappointed. The whole teenage girl aspect, as well as the look at small-town paranoia, the effects of divorce, the politics of friendship, etc were all very well-done, though, so the book isn't without its merits. Looking at the star-ratings on GR, I'm definitely in the minority, but it is hard for me to recommend something that was ultimately such a let-down for me. So I would take my opinion with a grain of salt and read a couple of reviews before deciding whether or not to give this one a try.
Cannot recommend
*I received an advanced reader's copy of this novel from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange of an honest review.*
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